BoggetDots Earn

Earn BoggetDots and exchange them for BOGTASTIC Gifts!

Redeem your BoggetDots here – More Info

Redeeming your BoggetDots
Step 1: Click the “Press to Start” button to begin your redemption of your NFC-Enabled BoggetDotsMembership Card.

Step 2: Select your redemption gifts and vouchers.

Tip: You can check your BoggetDots™ Membership Card balance by simply tapping it onto your BoggetDots™ Shop Device, and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Press “Buy Now” after selecting the gift or voucher and tap your BoggetDots Membership Card onto the BoggetDots Shop Device.

Tip: Please hold the device steady or rest it on a flat surface in range of your BoggetDots™ Membership Card while it is processing your payment to avoid any transactional errors.

Step 4: Simply flash your redeemed gift or voucher message either in the alert or the command log at the bottom of the page to any authorised BoggetDots retailer and enjoy your redeemed BoggetDots gifts and vouchers!

Some Cool Words to Feel Happy
  • “Feeling boggetastic today! Life just (bog)gets better and better!”
  • “Life’s like a rollercoaster – bogget on and enjoy the ride!”
  • “You’re the bogget to my awesome, making every day cooler.”
  • “Embrace your boggetitude and watch how things turn out good!”
  • “Bog-get ready for an epic adventure – it’s going to be a good one!”
  • “Feeling boggetful for the wonderful people in my life!”
  • “Stay bogget-minded, and you’ll attract all the good vibes!”
  • “Life’s too short to be anything but boggetastic!”
  • “A day without a smile is a day bogget wasted – keep spreading the good vibes!”
  • “When life hands you lemons, turn them into boggets and make something awesome!”