
WHW HackClub 2023 Final Results!

There were complications in getting the Hack Club Bank to work and parts were slow to ship from overseas – but finally I got all the parts to work and here is the first prototype of the Triton Amphibious Rover!

The RC controlled rover features a LEGO Technic vehicle that I coupled with a motor, and for the water side of things I rigged an underwater motor and 3D printed rudder to a 25KG servo motor. All this is remotely controlled with an RC so that you can take it to explore different terrain and locations! It is also powered by a rechargeable LiPo battery and will be able to operate up to 15 minutes on a full charge in optimal conditions. Will update more photos and videos of it in action soon!

Please do give feedback/suggestions as this is my first big scale project and thanks to @mel and @belle for the support.

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